Dominik Kersting appointed Managing Director of weisbauer elektronik gmbh

Already working for the company since 2023, Mr Dominik Kersting has been entrusted with further responsibility after one year as an authorised signatory.

Dominik Kersting was appointed as an additional Managing Director of the company with responsibility for sales management as of 01.01.2025. He has many years of technical and sales expertise in the field of distribution. Before joining weisbauer elektronik, he worked as FAE in the connectors and electromechanics sector. The successful concept of "distribution with heart" and the close, technically orientated customer support will be continued and expanded. The company's portfolio will be gradually rounded off and expanded by adding further manufacturers outside the active line card.

Mr. Michael Brandt, who stepped down as Managing Director at the beginning of 2024 after 20 years, supported Mr Kersting on his way to the management position and will remain with the company as a key account manager and consultant.


Should you have any questions on your order or items, please do not hesitate to contact us:

+49 (0)231 557302-0

Mo - Th 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Fr 08:00 am - 02:30 pm