Christmas donation instead of presents

Also this year weisbauer elektronik renounces sending presents to customers and supports with the saved costs a social project in Dortmund.
Our choice this year fell on the "Frauenhaus Dortmund" (Women's refuge Dortmund).

Women's refuge Dortmund
The women's refuge offers women and their children who have to flee domestic violence a protected, anonymous place to live, counselling and support during the separation process. Up to 32 women and children can be accommodated.

Each woman takes care of herself and her children independently. During their stay, a team of employees supports women and children in coming to terms with the violence they have experienced and in developing new life perspectives.

The Dortmund women's refuge is run by the association Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. Dortmund. The centre is financed by municipal funds, state funds and donations.


Should you have any questions on your order or items, please do not hesitate to contact us:

+49 (0)231 557302-0

Mo - Th 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Fr 08:00 am - 02:30 pm